AI and Chat GPT awareness session at Devi Balika Vidyalaya




In an effort to enrich the ICT knowledge and skills of A/L Grade 12 students, the Digital and Distance Learning Department of Informatic Institute of Technology organized an awareness session led by renowned ICT expert, Dr. Ruwan, on 18th March, 2024. The session, held at Devi Balika Vidyalaya Colombo, Sri Lanka, aimed to provide valuable insights into the world of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the young minds.

Dr. Ruvan Weerasinghe, a renowned specialist on ICT education in Sri Lanka and a former senior lecturer at the University of Colombo and the Dean of the Computer School at the Informatics Institute of Technology, brought his wealth of knowledge and expertise to the forefront, captivating the students with his engaging presentation and interactive discussions.

The event commenced with an introduction to the significance of ICT in today’s digital era, highlighting its pivotal role in various sectors ranging from education to industry. Dr. Ruwan revealed the evolving landscape of technology and its implications on future career prospects, encouraging the students to explore the vast opportunities available in the field of ICT.

Throughout the session, Dr. Ruwan delved into diverse topics including introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Uses of AI, How to apply AI , ChatGPT, and emerging technologies such as  Internet of Things (IoT). He emphasized the importance of staying updated with the latest advancements in AI and honing practical skills to thrive in the digital age.

More than 400 students from Devi Balika Vidyalaya actively participated in the session, showcasing their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. They posed insightful questions, seeking clarification on various concepts and expressing their aspirations in pursuing careers in ICT.

The session concluded with a vote of thanks to Dr. Ruwan for his invaluable contribution towards nurturing the next generation of ICT professionals. The students left with a newfound zeal to explore the realm of technology and embark on a journey towards academic and professional excellence in ICT.

The Digital and Distance Learning Department of Informatics Institute of Technology remains committed to fostering collaborations and initiatives that empower students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in an increasingly digitalized world.

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